Welcome to ACX

Introducing ACX.

Make audiobooks.
Earn money.

Grow your eBook earnings with an audiobook edition. ACX not only makes it easy, you'll have complete control of the production process and distribution across Audible, Amazon and iTunes.

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How it Works

You're In Control

  • Negotiate 1 on 1 with professional audiobook producers.
  • Set your budgets and dates.
  • Your producer manages the recording.
  • Give feedback to refine the performance.

Watch Your Earnings Accrue Quickly

  • Your audiobook will be on sale in 6 weeks or less.
  • Earn up to 40% royalty rate on sales, paid monthly.
  • Additional $50-per-sale bonuses paid. See more

Hear from an Author

Earning Potential

DistributionCostRoyalty Earned
Non-Exclusive$100-$400 PFH*25%
Exclusive(Audible, Amazon, and iTunes only)$020%
Exclusive(Audible, Amazon, and iTunes only)$100-$400 PFH*40%

* PFH: Per Finished Hour, or the Finished Length of the audiobook

Award-Winning Talent

  • Choose from over 30 voice attributes and 30 accents & styles to find the perfect voice for your project.
  • Wait for auditions to come to you, or seek a narrator from over 20,000 voices on ACX.
Jeffrey KaferView profile
Karen ComminsView profile
Kevin PierceView profile

What do I need to get started?

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