Welcome to ACX

Welcome to ACX

Make an audiobook.
Earn money.

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How much will I earn?

Earn up to 40% in royalties, plus $50 bonus
payments for each new Audible member who
buys your audiobook first.

Get started

Reach millions of
potential listeners!

Audiobooks are distributed to Audible, Amazon,
and iTunes, and their global partners. Or, distribute
non-exclusively through your own channels.

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How much will it cost?

Pay up front and retain 100% of royalties,
or pay $0 up front and get a 50-50 share
of royalties.

Get started

Find the perfect
narrator for your book.

Upload a few pages of your manuscript to begin
connecting with narrators and producers. Review
submitted auditions, cast your narrator, and
negotiate fees and royalties.

Get started

What do I need to get started?

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